
Friday, May 23, 2014

Taiwan: Day 4 Fengjia Night Market 逢甲夜市

Check out our cute room in Taichung @ Ai Shang Feng Jia 爱上逢甲民宿

After our visit to Gaomei Wetlands (高美湿地), we checked in and headed to Fengjia Night Market right away to hunt for food, and of course, to shop after that. The night market is just within walking distance from our minsu. 

To search for the famous stalls, you need to go to a small lane along Fengjia Road, which means a street after you see McD.

First stall that we found was the Da-Chang-Bao-Xiao-Chang Stall (大肠包小肠). Remember I mentioned about it in Shilin Night Market post?? Forgotten?? Click here. This stall in Fengjia night market is very famous, which you can't miss it as the queue is very long!

We asked KS to queue while we went to search for other food. That's the good point about travel in a big group, you can divide the task and enjoy lots of food in the end. =D

Found a smelly toufu (臭豆腐) stall, where there's a guy that give out sampling. Smelly toufu sampling! Must be good!

The stall! Red Tea Smelly Toufu Stall (红茶臭豆腐). The queue is quite long too!

While waiting for our smelly toufu, KS is back with the Da-Chang-Bao-Xiao-Chang (大肠包小肠). YEAH!!! FOOD!!!!

Close up of the famous Da-Chang-Bao-Xiao-Chang. It is really nice, compared to the one we had in Shilin Night Market. XD

The smelly toufu! Cost us NTD 60 per box.
They served the smelly toufu with Taiwan-style kimchi and some preserved carrot. The toufu is really NICE -- crispy and not VERY smelly.

After that, we found another special dish -- Noodles in Bread (面包面). This time we have LY to queue for it, while the rest of us go shopping! Yeah!!

Found this stall beside the Noodles in Bread stall. My favourite corn!!
I ordered an original Q corn. Honestly, too much spices (or MSG) on this corn. It tastes like some corn snack (eg. Twisties) -- now can you imagine the taste?

Oh well, it is still my favourite corn afterall, I finished it. XD

The stall! Uncle Being!

I have to take photo with my corn!

The corn!

The Noodles in Bread!! SO NICE!!! NTD 50 EACH!
Note: We queued for almost an hour for this!!

Papaya Milk! This stall is a must try too! Everyone is holding a cup and you can't be the odd one. 

Of course! Other than food, we did some shopping too! Things in Fengjia night market is cheaper compared to other night markets that we've been. BUT......... I saw the shoes I bought 2 years back. HARRRR...... They never update???? But well, the shoes are still cheaper and quite comfortable for NTD 190, 290, 390, etc......

Before I end this post, let me show you what's my solution to the non-fibre diet in Taiwan. Yoghurt drink!! XD

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