
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Taiwan: Day 5 Sun Moon Lake 日月潭

Day 5 of our 8-day trip! More scenery photos will be up as we traveled south and also up the mountain range. 

Our FIRST post for Day 5 is about Sun Moon Lake (日月潭) at Nantou (南投). This is the largest lake in Taiwan and a very famous tourist spot.

"Divided by Lalu Island, the Sun Moon Lake scenic area got its name from the unique terrains that look like sun on one side and crescent moon on the other. It is also crowned as one of the Eight Wonders of Taiwan, and the most famous source of hydroelectric power." ~ information from the official website of Sun Moon Lake.

Driver uncle brought us around the lake, and stopped at a few spots, for us to take photos. We even take a ride on the boat to Syuanguang Temple (玄光寺) and enjoyed the famous Ah Ma Herbal Tea (阿婆茶叶蛋)


Sun Moon Lake Tourist Center.

Sun Moon Lake Tourist Center.
Owl is a representative icon for the aboriginals here in Sun Moon Lake area.

Sun Moon Lake Tourist Center.

The lake with mountains as background. So beautiful!!

This is nicer! Look at the colour of the lake!

Tourist photo of the blogger. =)

Look! This is so pretty and I'm so flexible! LOL

I can sit here and relax the whole day (IF I'm rich and not on tight travel schedule)

On our way to the ferry terminal, uncle asked us to look at this hotel.
He said the hotel is all made of gold, even the toilet. Sounds like house of Brunei royal family. 

The ticket counter!

Look at the stamp on our hands!
Tickets are too mainstream and so stamp is more environmental friendly. =D

This is the Lalu Island! The island that separates the sun and moon side of the lake. 

Syuanguang Temple ferry terminal!

Look at the crowd!!

The long stairs!! It leads to............. car park!

You can't miss this stall. Lots of people queuing for it and lots of people eating herbal eggs. XD
The famous herbal tea eggs!!

Look at the number of eggs! Plenty of them. 

Yeah! "Ambassador" for the herbal tea eggs! LOL.
To be honest, the eggs are a big salty to me. But friends said the eggs are superb!

More eggs at the back of the shop! WOW!!! Must be very good business. =)

Best spot to take photo with Lalu Island. =)

Syuanguang Temple (玄光寺)

Then, we headed Ita Thao (伊达邵) to meet up with uncle.

After meeting up with uncle, we bought some snacks along a food street as lunch. 

I bought at this stall!
Duck Meat Sausage - quite special as normally taiwan sausages are made of pork.

Yam cake beside the sausage stall! It is really good and different from yam cake we get in Malaysia. This stall is even recommended by TVBS program. You have to try, believe me. =D

My selfie with the duck meat sausage. It is just ermmm.... ok. Nothing to fancy about. XD

Before we leave the street, I bought this as well as it looks special to me.
Barbequed Mochi! It is a bit chewy and different from normal mochi. Erm honestly... I don't really like it.


Uncle brought us to a special spot --
The entrance of water to Sun Moon Lake (日月涌泉)

Look how the water flow in! Amazing!!!

Last photo of this post: Me with my bed mate of Taiwan Trip.
We're so lovely, don't we? =D

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