
Saturday, April 4, 2015

Kedah: Fried Jawa Mee @ Simpang Kuala


It has been a while since I last update this blog. Work has been a little busy recently due to logbooks submission. @_@ Bad time management. One more hell week and everything will be back to normal. Soon... Soon... I'll make this blog more happening, just like last time. =)

So today, I shall write an overdue post. This post is a continuation from last one. After having my rojak under the tree, I decided to satisfy my craving for fried jawa mee. (Oh no... thinking about this stall, I feel a little emotional. I miss my friend who brought me there once. Memories.. )

This stall is located at Simpang Kuala, along Lebuhraya Sultan Abdul Halim. It is a small stall, which is quite easily missed. Need to pay attention while searching. =D The stall is just beside Tai Kuan Laksa. (Hope this guide helps!)

Fried Jawa Mee stall. Simple yet the uncle can cook really nice dish. =)
You can request for customized dish. Potato only or with cucur.

My Fried Jawa Mee. It is really nice. I love the texture of the noodle and the fluffy potato.  

It was my first time eating alone at that stall. At first, I felt that people gave me an odd look. Too perasan. Who cares so much about me. (OS: Jocelyn, it is time to learn to be more independent. How to travel alone if you feels that you are odd to be alone? )

Here's my fried jawa mee and cham peng! 
The drink is not nice. =S Taiping kopitiam has nicer Cham Peng than this. 

Yes, I have that much of food as Brunch. Hopeless girl. 

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