
Friday, October 10, 2014

I miss Australia

This is a pre-celebration post for my 4 monthsary at work! #throwbackpostaboutmylifeinmelbourne.

Spent almost 4 months working in Kedah and I learnt to appreciate the time I get to enjoy life. Awww..... I miss my life in Melbourne, when the only thing I have to worry is "WHERE TO TRAVEL NEXT".

I miss Australia. I miss traveling. I miss Australia. Let me tell you why.

1) When I was in Melbourne, planning trip is my routine work. Where should I fly next. If price seems alright, I'll just book the flight and go. I miss my flying marathon (Melbourne - Gold Coast - Melbourne - Tasmania - Melbourne - Sydney - Melbourne - Malaysia)
2) In Melbourne, I was surrounded by good coffee places, and also good chocolate place too! A cuppa Max Brenner Hot Chocolate in a cold winter night. Body totally melted away with the awesomeness of the chocolate. 

3) How to resist when the famous gelato shop is just behind your house? Il Dolce Freddo @ Lygon Street is just few steps away from my rented place. Durian + Ferrero Rocher Gelato ==> Super awesome combo! When can I have that again? 

4) There are nice macaroons and gigantic one too! 

5) Shopping time over the weekend with the roommate. We explore different shopping places and of course we will not forget to enjoy the scenery. I miss the time when I can wear as over-dressed as I want, without worrying that people will comment on my attire. 

6) I miss the time where I have energy to go here and there everyday. Missing the time I spent at Mt Dandenong with my group of friends. Blue Sky, Green Grass, Great People. 

7) Being a tourist, I challenged my fear (animalphobia) a lot. I fed horse. I fed wallaby. Have to smile at the camera with tachycardia. =P

8) Everyone gets so excited about tulip festival, and of course we won't miss the chance to visit. Chilly weather with a little sunshine. What a great weather. =) Oh, and not to forget there's a wine tasting session at the carnival. Wine in the afternoon =D

9) There's chance to be a hipster in Melbourne too! Street art back in Melbourne is different from Malaysia. Melbourne's street art is more hippy and Malaysia's is more ka-wa-i. XD

10) Theme park is just too fun and exciting! (@ Gold Coast)

11) Road trip was fun back in Tasmania. We just stopped by a random beach and had fun. No one else on the beach, except us. As I remember, the beach was nice, hence I decided to leave my name on it. XD

12) Sleeping late and wake up super early just to make sure we get to visit most places as planned. (Road Trip @ Tasmania)

14) Getting lost in the wood was a great experience too. (Road Trip @ Tasmania )

15) Scenery is the best coffee. 

16) Die die also want to grab a picture with koala bear before I leave Australia. 

17) Get to visit Harry Potter Exhibition @ Sydney. My life is complete. 
18) To prove that I've been to Sydney (though not exploring it thoroughly), here's my photos to show my peeps! I WAS THERE and I did not try fried Mars bar (feeling crappy again). 


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